Pregnancy fears are very common during early pregnancy, when women find out they are pregnant, there is excitement and also fear settles in as they realize the magnitude of what they would be losing if anything happened to their pregnancy.
Expectant mothers, as well as those who are trying to conceive, deal with fear, anxiety, and feelings of confusion. Well, such feelings are completely normal it is possible that certain women experience extreme anxiety and fear in such situations.
Many women become scared at the thought of being pregnant and having to give up control of their bodies during pregnancy. A big part of the problem is entering unknown territory, worrying about the development of the baby and how you were going to cope with the changes that pregnancy brings.
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Common Pregnancy Fears
1. Miscarriage
Almost all women think about and are afraid of having a miscarriage once they find out that they are pregnant, but this is especially true for those women who have had a miscarriage before.
Miscarriages usually happen in the first trimester; most are due to genetic abnormalities, which can occur in an embryo.
- Women can lessen their fear of miscarriage by taking care of their bodies and following all the healthy practices that one must follow when pregnant, and also accepting that they have no control over what happens to their pregnancy and that nature will determine the outcome.
2. Birth Defects
There is a chance of birth defects in every pregnancy, but the percentage can differ depending on certain factors like
- Mom’s age
- Family history
- Alcohol and substance use during pregnancy
- Exposure to toxic substances
- Smoking
- Generally speaking, this is another thing which one does not have major control of except for one thing, which is to help yourself antenatally and preconceptionally.
- Women could start taking folic acid, start eating healthy, stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol. These practices could help in preventing birth defects.
3. Weight Gain
This is another fear that women have. They might be afraid of gaining weight during pregnancy and take measures to prevent it. Some reasons could be prior weight loss success from disordered eating, celebrities who are praised for maintaining a slim figure while pregnant, or any other number of reasons.
Gaining weight is a natural and necessary part of pregnancy, but some women can\’t seem to get past the numbers on the scale. Women are worried about gaining too much weight during pregnancy and that their bodies might not look the same after giving birth. Due to this fear, some women put off having children.
- As your body supports and nourishes a baby, it will undergo changes; you need to acknowledge these changes.
- In addition to having a preterm or small-sized baby, a mother who doesn\’t gain enough weight may also have a baby who experiences breathing problems and digestion problems. Additionally, mom might suffer the inability to produce enough milk after her baby is born.
- Understand that your body will undergo many changes during pregnancy, and you will not be the same after your baby is born. Nevertheless, plenty of women are able to return to their pre-pregnancy weight or a number similar to it after pregnancy.
- It will be beneficial to you as well as your child to focus on your health and fitness rather than your weight.
4. Stress
During pregnancy, many women experience stress. In addition to physical discomforts, maternity changes can also cause stress.

High blood pressure and premature birth are health problems that can be caused by stress. Here are a few things you can try to help manage your stress
- Speak to someone you trust
- You can ask for assistance
- Maintain good health
- Be mindful of your food choices
- Know your triggers
- Self-care is essential
- Allow yourself to slow down
- Don\’t compare yourself with others
- If possible, take birthing classes to better prepare
- Identify stress-relieving tools you can use
- Consult your doctor if you cannot manage your stress
5. Cord Wrapping Around Baby’s Neck
Fear of the cord around the neck (Nuchal Cord) of the baby and its possible effects on delivery and stillbirth is common among women.
- Modern technology and the introduction of ultrasonography have enabled doctors to see a great deal of information about the fetus. Having the cord around the neck when the baby is born is not a concern, since these cords are unlikely to cause problems during pregnancy or birth.
6. Fear that Pregnancy will Ruin their Body
Pregnant women are often concerned about the changes their bodies will undergo. They worry about whether or not they will return to their pre-pregnancy weight, as well as what other people might think if they are not able to lose the weight gained during pregnancy.
Society places a great deal of emphasis on how a woman\’s body should look. The media constantly shows how celebrities lose their pregnancy weight so quickly that it puts pressure on other women to do the same.
- It is true that a pregnant woman\’s body changes. There will be changes that you can see, and there will also be changes occurring internally that no one can see.
- By appreciating the fact that your body allowed your baby to enter this world, all the feelings associated with thinking your baby ruined your life should be disposed of.
- By accepting that your body has changed and accepting and loving your new body, you will find that things are easier.
7. Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a disorder that causes physical, emotional, and behavioral changes in women after giving birth to a child.
- Postpartum Depression is something that every woman should be aware of and should be taken very seriously. Identifying postpartum depression will be easier if you are aware of its symptoms. Partners and significant others are also encouraged to learn about postpartum depression so they can identify it and provide support.
8. Fear of not being a Good Mom
There are some women who worry that they won\’t be good moms to their children, and some even decide not to have children. It is especially true for women who didn\’t have a great mother, so they lack role models.
Women in this group say that their mothers weren\’t nurturing to them or didn\’t parent them properly, and they are afraid to do the same to their children.
- It is important for women who have these fears to realize that they are not their mothers and that they have been able to recognize bad parenting or bad moms, which they can use as a motivator to become better parents.
- Developing a love and sense of responsibility for your baby begins before they are even born. Your bond with your baby starts while you are pregnant, and that bond only grows stronger after the baby is born.
- There are many challenges that come along with becoming a new mom. Don\’t feel overwhelmed by the situation. Seek support from family or a support group if possible.
Final Thought
Being pregnant is a terrifying experience for most women. Pregnancy and childbirth phobia can affect your life decisions, such as delaying pregnancy or ending it.
Additionally, such intense feelings might lead you to choose unneeded procedures. There are a lot of ways to overcome your fears, no matter how intense they might be.
Instead of viewing bodily changes as something to be feared, women need to see them as part of the motherhood journey.
In some cases, your psychologist may be able to help you overcome your fears.
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