When do Kids start losing Teeth?

When do Kids start losing Teeth?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “milk teeth.” But what about “baby teeth”? Baby teeth are the first set of teeth that a child has. These usually come in during the first two years of life. The baby teeth eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth as children grow older. This article will answer the common questions associated with the topic of when do kids start losing their teeth

Most children lose their baby teeth between ages 6 and 12 years old. However, some children may not lose their baby teeth until they’re in their early teens. It’s normal for children to lose one or two baby teeth at a time and it’s not necessary to visit the dentist unless your child is having problems with his or her mouth or chewing.

 When do Kids start losing Teeth?

Most kids start losing their baby teeth around age 6 or 7. But some children lose them earlier or later than that. The average age for tooth loss is about 10 years old.

The order in which children lose their baby teeth is different from person to person. Generally, though, the front teeth come out first, followed by the molars (back teeth) and then the premolars (between side teeth).

How Will Losing Baby Teeth Affect My Child?

When your child loses a tooth, it can be upsetting. But there’s no need to panic — the whole process takes time, and you’ll have plenty of warning before any serious problems arise.

Most of the time, it’s just a matter of waiting until the tooth falls out — but sometimes you’ll need to take your child to the dentist if there’s an infection or something stuck in the tooth that needs removing before it falls out naturally.

Losing baby teeth can be a stressful time for young children, especially if they haven’t seen it happen before with other kids or family members.

Signs of Infection After a Baby Tooth is Lost?

The earlier an infection is treated, the better. If your child has had a baby tooth removed and has any of the below symptoms, call your dentist right away.

  • Increased pain or swelling
  • Redness, heat, or tenderness around the tooth socket
  • Discharge from the tooth socket (an open wound)
  • Pain when chewing (especially in back teeth)
  • Swelling of the face and neck
  • Fever
  • A foul odor coming from the wound


How Many Teeth Does a Child Lose?

  • A child loses 20 teeth in total, which makes room for the 32 permanent teeth they will gain. The first set of teeth to come in are called deciduous teeth. They start coming out around 6 months old and are all in mostly by the time your child is 3 years old.
  • The second set of teeth called permanent or adult teeth, start coming in around age 6-7. These teeth stay with you forever.
  • If your child’s tooth loosens, don’t try to pull it out yourself. If you do this you are risking damaging your child’s gums and bone structure, just wait for it to come out naturally.

If you’re concerned about the possibility of infection or discomfort in your child’s mouth, contact your dentist or healthcare provider right away.

RELATED: Baby Grinding Teeth: What You Need to Know

Advantages of a Child Losing Teeth

A child losing teeth is normal for their age group and stage of development. However, some parents may be concerned about how soon this occurs or if there is anything they can do to help their child retain these primary teeth longer.

Advantages associated with a child losing his/her primary teeth:

  • The jawbone will grow stronger as he or she uses it more during chewing and speaking. This will help prevent dental problems such as crowded or misaligned teeth later on in life.
  • Your child will have fewer dental visits because he or she does not need to visit the dentist as often for cleanings and checkups if all his/her primary (baby)
  • They may not be as likely to get cavities if he or she loses their baby teeth early.
  • Their permanent teeth will come in without any gaps between them, which may prevent tooth decay.
  • When a child has lost most or all of his/her baby teeth, it’s easier to brush permanent teeth daily with fluoride toothpaste.
  •  It prevents overcrowding of teeth in the future by allowing room for permanent teeth to come in properly at the right time and place.
  • Get them excited about the tooth fairy as this can be a fun way to discuss oral health with your kids

When should My Child’s Adult Teeth Arrive?

The growth of the mouth and teeth is a long and complex process, which begins in the womb and continues until puberty. By the time babies are born, they have all their baby (deciduous) teeth. These will be replaced by permanent (adult) teeth when they begin to erupt through the gums at around 6 years of age.

Teeth usually come through at different times – some children have them all by the time they are 10 years old, while others may still be waiting for some of their permanent teeth to come through at 15 or 16 years old. Because each child’s timing and pattern of tooth eruption is unique, there is no set age for children to get their adult teeth – only averages can be given.

Final Thought

Teeth start to break through the gums around the age of 6 months. When all of the baby teeth come in, they will have 20 teeth. The average child loses their first tooth when they are between the ages of 6 and 7 years old. By age 12 or later, most kids have lost all of their baby teeth and have adult teeth in the process of coming into place!

Losing your baby teeth is a rite of passage in every kid’s life, but most kids don’t give it much thought until the big day comes. The first tooth to come out is usually a lower tooth, so if you’re keeping track of your child’s first tooth, this is a quick way to identify when the big day will be.

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