How long will it take you to get pregnant? This is a question that most people want an answer to. In most cases, couples trying to conceive want to know if there is anything they can do to increase their chances of success. Understanding a few basic facts about fertility can assist you If you’re trying to conceive;
How Long Does it Take Normally to get Pregnant?
In general, of couples trying to conceive, about 30% will conceive within one month, about 60% in three months, and about 80% in six months. Over 85% of women become pregnant after a year of trying.
Infertility affects about 10% of couples and decreases their chances of conceiving without treatment. The technical definition of infertility is failure to get pregnant within a year of trying for people younger than 35 and within six months for those older than 35.
How Many Eggs Does a Woman Lose a Month?
What effect does your age have on your fertility? Many women delay having children until later in their 20s, 30s, or even early 40s, but they worry about the long-term effects that their biological clocks are ticking.
According to While inside your mother’s uterus, at just 20 weeks of gestation, your ovaries contained 5 to 6,000,000 eggs, but they have been disappearing ever since. By the time you were born, you had between one and about two million eggs. This gradually decreased. By puberty, you had between 300,000 and 500,000 eggs left. Then, you had 25,000 at age 37 and 1000 at 51. When most women hit menopause, they have around 837 eggs.
There are some high-profile tech companies that offer their employees egg-freezing and delaying tactics.
What Age is it Hardest to get Pregnant?
About 86% of healthy fertile women in their 20s will become pregnant after one year of trying. Women in their early 30s have a 63% chance of conceiving in a year. Among women in their early 40s, only 36% are healthy and fertile, and by 45 years of age, the percentage drops to zero.
In addition, once you reach your 30s, if you have a BMI of less than 19 which is below the healthy normal range, you will likely have a much more difficult time getting pregnant. In general, obese women take twice as long to get pregnant than normal-weight women.
Getting Pregnant on the First Try
When a couple has been trying to conceive for a few months and still hasn’t seen that positive pregnancy test result, they may feel anxious. This is because we have all heard of people describing the length of time it took them to become pregnant. However, some people become pregnant soon after attempting to conceive.
Understanding that people rarely get pregnant immediately after starting to try to conceive is helpful. Most women do not become pregnant for about six months after they actively try to time their interactions with ovulation.
Is It Usually Hard to Get Pregnant?

It may take as long as six to twelve months for some people. This is because even when intercourse occurs right before ovulation, the chance of conception is only 30 to 35% at best. Getting pregnant is not guaranteed every time a woman has intercourse.
Do not give up if you have been trying for a few months without success. Most women have to try for a few months before they get pregnant. Make sure your intercourse coincides with ovulation in the coming months.
How Long After Intercourse Can a Woman Conceive
Six days of each month are fertile days for a woman. These are five days leading up to ovulation when her body releases an egg that can be fertilized by sperm and the day of ovulation itself. Five days before ovulation, you’re fertile and because sperm can live in a woman’s reproductive system for 3 to 5 days, you have the possibility of becoming pregnant after having an encounter five days beforehand.
Can you Feel the Moment of Conception?
The exact moment of conception is difficult to pinpoint. However, the woman’s due date is always calculated from her last menstrual period and a rough estimation of when most women ovulate.
RELATED: When Do You Start Showing Pregnancy?
Does Tracking Ovulation Help you Get Pregnant?
Whenever a couple is trying to conceive, they often ask how they can increase their odds of success.
The most important thing to do is to track your cycles. The average cycle length is 25 to 35 days for women, so if that’s the case for you, then you are most likely ovulating midway through your cycle or 12 to 16 days before your next period is due.
How Many Days After Ovulation Can You Get Pregnant?
Ovulation is when a woman’s body releases an egg that can then be fertilized by sperm if things are timed just right. If that happens then you get pregnant.
A woman can get pregnant for six days out of each month to ovulation and the reason why there is that five-day window beforehand is that semen can live inside a woman’s reproductive tract for 3 to 5 days so six days out of each month there’s a chance that you could get pregnant.
What Your Cycle Says About your Fertility
An important indicator of your chance of getting pregnant is your period and menstrual cycle. You can build a predictive pattern of when you are going to have your LH surge and when you should time intercourse to achieve pregnancy if you are getting a period every 26-35 days.
On the other hand, if you have a shorter cycle, where your period comes every 21 days, even though it may be regular and predictable, it is coming too soon and may indicate that you are having Anovulatory periods.
Using an ovulation predictor kit can be very beneficial for women with regular cycles since they will be able to tell when their LH surge will occur.
Final Thought
There are several things that can be done to increase your chances of becoming pregnant if you want or have been trying for a child. Furthermore, it is important to remember that infertility is not always a female issue, but that males may also experience infertility issues.
You should consult your doctor about infertility treatments once you’ve been trying for a year or more without success. To help you achieve your dreams, they will consult with you and your partner to determine what intervention is necessary. Good luck with everything.
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